A relative horoscope based case study of an individual with reference to relative motions of planets & constellations. Astrology helps to find your real purpose of existence. Answers who am I? What am I? How am I? Astro psychological counseling helps to build a insight vision of what is exactly going with you in life? Where are you going? What problems are you facing? How can you achieve your goal? Applied astro psycho analysis helps to develop human behavior & endurance to manage the chaos of life more effectively. It helps to overcome mental abbreviations, negations, conflicts, confusions, struggles, depressions, addictions, lethargies etc.
- Psychological counseling the astrological way.
- Horoscope and mind.
- Nine planets and horoscopic psycho analysis
- Understanding mind
- Psychical disturbance and moon
- Understanding human psyche
- Metal conflicts and human mind
- Anger, hate, destruction, depression (astro psychiatric view)
- Tracing frustration, desires, attachment
- Emotions and expressions overcoming
- Suicidal thoughts
- How to control ego
- Paranoid symptoms, suspiciousness delusions, hallucination, obsession
- Adolescence abnormalities
- Sexual delusions and fantasies
- Abnormal sexual behavior, frigidity
- Drug addiction
- Positive life counseling
- How to overcome negativities of mind.
- Willpower and motivation